Brandon Merritt just published a new article in the Perspective of the ASHA Special Interests Groups (SIG 14: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity)!
Brandon Merritt just published a new article in the Perspective of the ASHA Special Interests Groups (SIG 14: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity)!
Two lab members, Sydney Perry and Amy Cardona, presented posters at the IU Undergraduate Research conference!
The Speech Perception Lab was well represented at the most recent meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
Drs. Tessa Bent and Rachael F. Holt (Ohio State University) were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation with the title: Collaborative Research: How Accent Distance Impacts Word Recognition Across the Lifespan.
Check out the newest journal article from the Speech Perception Lab! It has just been published in the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research and is based on Brandon’s first year project. Congratulations Brandon on your first publication!!
Sydney Perry has been awarded an Advanced Summer Research Scholarship from the IU Undergraduate Research and the Office of Engaged Learning.