Dr. Tessa Bent and her collaborators - Drs. Melissa Baese-Berk, Erica Ryherd, and Natalie Manley - were recently awarded a James S. McDonnell Foundation grant!
Dr. Tessa Bent and her collaborators - Drs. Melissa Baese-Berk, Erica Ryherd, and Natalie Manley - were recently awarded a James S. McDonnell Foundation grant!
Brandon Merritt receives Honorable Mention for the Vanderbilt Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Rising Star Award!
Sydney Perry, who completed her undergraduate honors thesis in the lab, has just been awarded two honors: the Charles S. Watson Honors Student Award and the 2021 Executive Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. Congratulations Sydney!
Dr. Tessa Bent recently awarded a collaborative research grant from the Institute for Advanced Study at IU!
New paper! Listener characteristics differentially affect behavioral and physiological measures of effort associated with two challenging listening conditions in Attention, Perception & Psychophysics!
New article in JASA-EL by Baese-Berk, Bent & Walker (2021).